profile=""> REVISED Project Cherokee Wish List (WL)
Project Cherokee Wish List

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  below may not   necessarily be  
  the views of either of the hosts! 

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REVISED Project Cherokee Wish List (WL)

  Revised: under revision  
  Revised: December 29th, 1998  
  Original: December 17th, 1998  

  Hosted by  
Frank Robbins
ProBoard Innovations
Technical Writer
Mike Ehlert
PC Micro
Technical Advisor

  Wish List  
    Project Cherokee Wishes  
    ProBoard BBS Wishes  
    Searchlight BBS Wishes  
    RIPscrip Wishes  
    Spinnaker Web Server Wishes  
  BackGround Information  
    Project Cherokee BackGround  
     ProBoard BBS BackGround  
    Searchlight BBS BackGround  
    RIPscrip BackGround  
    Spinnaker Web Server BackGround  
    ProBoard BBS Specs  
    Searchlight BBS Specs  
    RIPscrip Specs  
    Spinnaker Web Server Specs  

LEGEND - (applies to html version only)
- Red lettering are responses from TeleGrafix below.
- White background with several lines of text indicates CHANGES below.


Obtain approval from Telegrafix (Pat Clawson) to resolve each identified Project Cherokee Wish List issue to insure that a high level of quality is sustained for the Cherokee product.

Validate existing and additional specifications to establish a firm and an official sanctioned specifications base for Project Cherokee.


On November 18th, 1998, Patrick Clawson stated that elements of both ProBoard and Searchlight technologies, along with TeleGrafix's award-winning Remote Imaging Protocol (RIPscrip) rapid Internet vector graphics technology, will be incorporated in a new TeleGrafix product under development that is code named "Cherokee."

New updates will be added to Cherokee which presently do not exist in the present standalone products once they are combined, and product enhancements will be added to the existing specifications to advance the Cherokee product to a higher level of excellence.

        Wish List        

  Project Cherokee Wishes  

Need dedicated homepage for Project Cherokee
Due to the importance of this Project, it would be advisable to establish a dedicated homepage at TeleGrafix, at the earliest convenience, to support Project Cherokee, to include a current list of specifications with additional background information on the same.

Determine which Features will remain after combining products
Will Cherokee absorb all the features from each standalone product that is being combined to form Cherokee?
If any specification is going to be dropped, it needs to be readily identified by TeleGrafix.

Add additional Internet services
Since Cherokee will be an internet server, it needs some additional internet services to really compete with other servers:
   pop3 protocol (allow users to have their own email address)
   smtp protocol (allow users to send their own email)
   nntp protocol (allow users to receive NewsGroups)
   ftp protocol (allow Filebase to link to files on outside ftp sites)
   irc protocol (allow users to chat on IRC)

File Structures
Insure that the file structures used with the different Operating Systems (DOS, WIN, OS/2) will all share the same structures to insure that you can run any version without having to use converters, etc.!

Once this has been accomplished, then consider porting to other multiple Operating Systems, such as Linux to take advantage of the commercial/educational side of the market.

  ProBoard BBS Wishes  

Would like to have
ProBoard UserBase
ProBoard Menu System/ Menu Editor
ProBoard Macros (Ctrl-k and Ctrl-f)
ProBoard PEX (in 32-bit engine)
ProBoard Message Bases (definately JAM and Squish)
ProBoard Language File/Language Editor

  Incorporate some PEX features into the ProBoard source  

Some suggestions have been received about incorporating some of the more popular PEXes into the existing features of ProBoard.

PEX writers who want to see some of their PEX features used in ProBoard, may want to convert that particular PEX source to FreeWare to alleviate any legal problems arising from the use of that source.

TheEdit, which was originally written by Alain Schellinck and then later taken over by Constantine Spiess, was such a feature that was going to be recompiled for the new version of ProBoard.

TeleGrafix does not have the time or manpower to rapidly develop new source code for ProBoard with it's on going commitment to Project Cherokee. Using existing source code may prove to be the most economical approach for some updating.

  Run existing 16-bit PEXes in 32-bit environment  

Questions have been asked if there will be a commandline switchable PEX Engine control which would allow existing 16-bit PEXes to run under the new 32-bit software forever or in the interim before 32-bit PEXes are actually developed.

Otherwise, all 16-bit PEXes will be need to be recompiled under a 32-bit compiler.
The free 32-bit GNU compiler should be furthered researched to see if it could be used for this purpose.

Either a single location with the necessary recompiling software would need to be established with code shrouding capability or a utility/code developed which would allow 16-bit PEXes to run under 32-bit!

In all cases, the solution should allow the PEX writers to use their existing compilers or the GNU compiler without incurring additional programming costs, if possible.

        Previous 32-bit ProBoard features before the sale        

The following is for informational purposes only, some info is obviously going to change and some info may not be valid today!

  32-bit New Features as compared to DOS version 2.16  

Incoming Calls

    ProBoard v3.00 will mainly contain two EXE commands:
    - a session manager
    - a console

    The session manager will collect the incoming calls and then launch the console EXE.
    This means people will be able to launch EXEs in between the two EXEs.
    You could therefore fire up a FOSSIL before launching the console EXE.

    Create sessions on the fly when a modem receives an inbound call.
    No need to dedicate fixed node numbers to each modem.

Modem Pools

    Creates sessions on the fly when a modem receives in inbound call.
    No need to dedicate fixed node numbers to each modem.
    Easily replace modems or disable specific modems from the modem pool.
    Lets you specify modem profiles.
    Each modem can be assigned a modem profile with the correct init-string and other settings.
    Multiple modems can share one profile.

    One system can have an unlimited number of modems, distributed over several machines running Windows 95 and/or Windows NT 4.0.
    You could run 2 modems on one machine running Windows NT and 4 modems on another machine running Windows 95, while a third machine running OS/2 Warp could have one modem and a permanent TCP/IP connection to the internet accepting telnet sessions.

TCP/IP Support (not in the DOS version)

    Unlimited simultaneous TCP/IP connections.
    Log on to the BBS from a LAN or internet connection (with TELNET).
    File transfers over TCP/IP with the built-in protocols (X/Y/ZModem and Kermit).

Built-in protocols and serial communications drivers

    The following protocols are built in: XModem, YModem, ZModem, Kermit and Compuserve-B.
    No FOSSIL driver is required (although supported).

  OS/2 Notes  

    The OS/2 version of ProBoard v3.0 will be a console application in the first release.

    The code will be based on the Windows NT version, which means that it will take advantage of multi-threading and native TCP/IP support in OS/2.

    The price for the OS/2 version will be the same as the Windows version.

    Upgrade prices for switching between the OS/2 and Windows versions are not listed yet, because it is not known yet when the first OS/2 beta version will be available.

  System Requirements  

    The following are the minimal system requirements for running ProBoard v3.0. As with all software, the general rule is, the more RAM, the better.
        PC compatible with 80486 CPU
        8 MB RAM (16MB recommended)
      Disk Space
        10 MB

  Operating Systems  

      MS-DOS v5.0 or higher
      Windows 95/98
      Windows NT 4.0 or higher
      OS/2 Warp v3.0 or higher

  Comparing ProBoard v2.16 to v3.0  

    Version 3.0 will mainly be a 32-bit rewrite of v2.xx.
    The main changes will be TCP/IP support and the built-in protocols.
    More features will be added!

    The DOS version of PB v3.0 will not have TCP/IP support because this is not possible in DOS.

    The DOS version will run the exisiting 16-bit PEXes written for v2.xx and no 32-bit PEXes.

    ProBoard v2.xx is partially year-2000 compliant.
    In year 2000, it will set the year number to 00, but that 00 will stand for year 2000.
    The year number is stored in a byte variable and therefore v2.XX will continue to function properly until 2156.

  Comparing v3.0 Windows NT/95 to v3.0 OS/2  

    The OS/2 version of ProBoard v3.0 will be a console application in the first release.

    The code will be based on the Windows NT version, which means that it will take advantage of multi-threading and native TCP/IP support in OS/2.

  Compatibility Issues with v3.0  

External EXE Doors

    DOS doors should still work, but is not guaranteed.
    Some doors have been tested.
    External MSG-editors, like T-Edit and GEdit, should still work under ProBoard v3.0 since they are considered as external doors.

    TheEdit, which was originally written by Alain Schellinck, will be recompiled for the new version of ProBoard.

Internal EXE Doors

    The DOS-version of v3.0 will run 16-bit PEXes (even the "old" ones, but no 32-bit PEXes! As version 3.0 Win95/NT & OS/2 are going to be 32-bit versions, they will no longer run with the "old" 16-bit PEXes.

    All PEXes will need to be recompiled.

    Philippe and Branislav Slantchev are setting up a system which PEX-writers will be able to send over their PEX-sources and get a compiled version in return (or a list of errors).
    There will be different compilers available to the writer.
    The sources can be sent in a shrouded form so no-one else will be able to read the sources.
    At Philippe's place, the PEXes will be compiled with WatCom C++.

    It will not be very hard to update your previous PEX source code in order for it to get compiled for v3.0 since the interface routines to the user (programmer) will stay the same.
    You should expect only internal changes of the libraries.
    More library information will be released.


    External mailers, like FrontDoor and Intermail, should still work under ProBoard v3.0, but you will lose the ability to have modem-pooling and you will have to run a FOSSIL-driver.

    The mailers will work in the same way as they always did, ie. with errorlevels or with a DOBBS.BAT system.

Fossil Drivers

    To run external EXE doors (not PEX) or to run a DOS mailer, you will have to use a regular FOSSIL driver.

    By doing so, you will loose the modem-pooling support of ProBoard.

    ProBoard v3.00 will be able to use an external comms driver (FOSSIL or telnet FOSSIL), but if you do so, you will be limited to 8 sessions because a FOSSIL needs a COM port to work on, and a normal computer has only 8 COM-ports.

    Internal protocols (ZModem, ...) within ProBoard can use an external FOSSIL driver.

External Protocols

    You will be able to use external protocols with v3.00.
    A flag will be added to the protocol configuration to indicate whether that protocol is telnet-compliant or not.

  Searchlight BBS Wishes  

Maintain all the features found in the Searchlight BBS, however:
   (1) Insure that the messagebases support both JAM and Squish.
   (2) Besides emulating DOOR.SYS, PCBOARD.SYS, DORINFO.DEF,
   support EXITINFO.BBS for ProBoard.

  RIPscrip Wishes  

Need a RIPterm for Windows

Status from TeleGrafix
We are considering a Windows version of RIPterm.

We had planned to release one in November 1997. We put it on the back burner because of weak market demand. That's because the communications software that's built into Windows 95/98 has crushed the market for other dial-up programs.

The average consumer does not want to buy any software if a basic program is bundled into Windows. The dial-up communications software market went into death throes the day Windows 95 hit the market.

Good programs like Q-Modem, Cyberjack, ProComm, Telix, WinRamp -- all of which had built-in RIP support -- have disappeared into the bowels of history.

SysOp Comments
Many SysOps have been indicating that a windows version of RIPterm is needed to help promote the popularity of RIPscrip! The terminal should function with the windows dial-up program.

Promote RIP with other BBS authors

SysOp Comments
One option that has been readily available to TeleGrafix has been to contact other BBS authors to have them include RIP emulation or update that support in their products.

To show support to those competing BBS authors, it may become necessary to provide a limited one-time free offer of needed RIP source code to merge into their product!

If TelGrafix charges for the code, it is very likely the other BBS authors will refuse to cooperate. It is much better at this time of uncertainty, that TeleGrafix shows those authors that it is ready to do whatever it takes, within reason and good business practices, to assist those authors into integrating the most current RIP emulation into their product, which not only helps promote the BBS author's product, it helps TeleGrafix to develop a larger customerbase for purchasing RIP products!

It is important to stress to the other BBS authors that they can save a lot of unnecessary time, labor and expense by using RIP instead of trying to develop their own proprietary vector graphics!

If success is made in this effort, then TelGrafix can be assured a much better livelihood in the BBS vector grapics market than it is experiencing at the present time by strengthening market demands!

This BBS list is only a sample of new or higher profile BBS authors who should be considered for immediate contact:

  EleBBS     Maarten Bekers  
  QuickBBS     Ben Schollnick  
  RemoteAccess     Bruce Morse  
  tcRemoteAccess     Niels Schoot  
  Tornado     Konstantin Klyagin  
  WildCat     Hector Santos  

A more exhaustive list of similar info can be provided if requested!

  Spinnaker Web Server Wishes  

Merge entire Spinnaker package into Cherokee
Spinnaker's scripting features, database support, and the ability to put the BBS on the web make it a very attractive package.

Registration Key Shortfall
It has been noted that the Registration Key for Spinnaker uses the IP address as part of the key.

If you ever switch Internet Service Providers or change your system around, your Package would not be usable anymore with an invalid key.

This problem should be investigated for a faster solution instead of requesting a replacement key which may or may not be a free replacement service.

        BackGround Information        

  Project Cherokee BackGround  

To clarify the names of all products that will be combined to form Project Cherokee, these technologies are provided:
   ProBoard BBS
   Searchlight BBS
   RIPscrip rapid Internet vector graphics
   Spinnaker Web Server

A release date for Cherokee has not been scheduled at this time.

  ProBoard BBS BackGround  

TeleGrafix acquires rights to ProBoard Bulletin Board System:

ProBoard is THE fastest QuickBBS-style BBS program around!!

ProBoard is a computer program that allows you to run a computerized Bulletin Board System (BBS), where files, messages and other useful items may be exchanged between users under control of the System Operator (SysOp).

The SysOp is responsible for setting up and maintaining the BBS, therefore, the ProBoard manual is primarily geared towards the SysOp, or people who are interested in becoming SysOps.

ProBoard has everything you need to efficiently run a BBS, and more! It's state of the art technology allows you to run a BBS without consuming large amounts of your hard disk space.

ProBoard provides the ability to run a multi-node BBS, allowing more than one user to be online at a time. Its small size and lightning fast speed make it ideal for running under a multi-tasker like DESQview, or on a network.

ProBoard also fully supports the ability to interface with mail networks such as FidoNet, UseNet, EchoNet, and mail processors such as SQUISH, FastEcho, GEcho, Fmail, and others.

The greatest asset of ProBoard, is it's ability to be enhanced by you the user, through the use of programs written in C / C++ using the provided ProBoard Software Development Kit (SDK). You can do virtually anything with your BBS using the SDK and a C / C++ compiler. Programs written with the ProBoard SDK are called ProBoard Executable (PEX) files. This built in "PEXability" assures you that there's nothing ProBoard can't do!

You do not have to be a C / C++ programmer to enjoy the benefits of ProBoard's SDK or these PEX files. There are many 3rd party PEX files available for ProBoard right now with more being released every day.

ProBoard has the ability to run most, if not all doors programs and other utilities written for other BBS systems such as PCBoard, QuickBBS (QBBS), SuperBBS, RemoteAccess (RA), etc.

When running an external program, ProBoard can swap itself to disk / EMS, and stay resident in approximately 2KB of memory!!

ProBoard is highly configurable because it allows you to use either the SQUISH, Fido Compatible *.MSG, JAM or the HUDSON message base formats for the contents of your message base. In addition to supporting all four of these formats for the message base, ProBoard allows you to configure your BBS to use all four at the same time. Name one other BBS that allows you this flexibility!

Not flexible enough yet? Consider then, that ProBoard allows you to configure up to 10,000 message areas, and additionally 10,000 file areas. ProBoard also supports the use of CD-ROM drives. What flexibility!!!

Most, if not all, known utilities for RemoteAccess (RA) v1.11 as well as RemoteAccess v2.x, will work with this version of ProBoard.

ProBoard is remarkably easy to setup with the supplied PROCFG.EXE file. Most users are up and running within a few short painless (even enjoyable) hours.

  Searchlight BBS BackGround  

TeleGrafix acquires rights to Searchlight Internet servers:

Searchlight BBS is one of the most popular dialup BBS systems in the world. A computer, modem and phone line are all you need to set up a Searchlight.

Starting with Searchlight BBS v5.02, TeleGrafix has incorporated full support for four-digit dates beyond 2000 to comply with the Y2K issues.

At this time, no further versions of Searchlight BBS are planned. Searchlight BBS has enjoyed an exceptionally long life for a software product (over 10 years), but the emergence of the Internet and the Web has rendered it impractical for us to continue developing a commercial BBS system. Instead, we will be putting the majority of our effort into continued development of Spinnaker, our next-generation active Web server product.

TeleGrafix continues to support our BBS products for customers who need them for legacy applications and places where a BBS system is still the best solution, such as rural installations.

There are two ways that Searchlight BBS can use the internet:
   (1) It can act as a Telnet host on an network-enabled Windows PC (a PC with a continuous TCP/IP connection);
  (2) It can import and export internet email and newsgroups when used with the Uumail add-on and a dialup UUCP service provider.

Searchlight BBS is not a Web server or an FTP server; and it wasn't designed to provide internet features like web browsing to callers who dial in.

If you are interested in a more advanced Web product, the Spinnaker software may be what you are looking for.

BBS system featuring configurable menus, an easy to use interface, message conferences, file libraries, email, chatting, and more.

You can even install optional programs, like databases, order entry systems and surveys. Your BBS can be used with just a modem or it can operate on the worldwide Internet using the Telnet protocol.

TeleGrafix’s exciting new RIP products are the only non-proprietary hosts that support multimedia objects like photographic quality images and sound effects and Searchlight is the first BBS software to fully support RIPterm 2.0.

You can display JPEG images, associate WAV sounds with events, and display any RIPterm 2.0 compatible file with Searchlight.

TelGrafix's configuration program makes it easy to use images and sounds without learning the RIPscrip language or using a RIP paint program. Just plug in your filenames and go!

Searchlight 5 gives you the best of both worlds: a DOS version you can run on older machines, and a 32-bit Windows version you can run on modern Windows 95 and Windows NT equipped PCs.

Some BBS programs offer little or no opportunity to customize their default menus and prompts.

Others make you buy add-on compilers or source code and force you to write complex program scripts to make even minor changes.

Searchlight gives you simple, point and click customization so you can easily modify our menus, build new menu branches, change prompts and terminology, even redesign your entire system.

Install doors and external utilities by typing the appropriate DOS commands into a form. You don’t need to understand batch files or error levels.

Install your modem with one keystroke. Searchlight will detect your modem brand and automatically make the optimal settings.

Searchlight includes 32-bit Windows 95/NT and 16-bit DOS versions; Windows version supports Telnet hosting.

Searchlight's graphical interface is an easy to use, RIP-based GUI featuring vector & bitmapped images, digital sound.

Many BBS programs let you use the Remote Imaging Protocol (RIP) to draw menus with graphics and mouse buttons. But that’s all they do. They don’t offer true GUI features like scrollbars or pick lists. And they can’t build RIP menus, so if you change their defaults, you have to purchase a paint program and draw the new screens yourself.

Searchlight BBS has RIP support built-in, not tacked-on. TeleGrafix's fully graphical RIP interface lets you use a scroll bar to navigate through message lists and file directories. You can read messages and tag files with mouse clicks and select choices from pick lists, dialog boxes and graphical menus.

And since Searchlight creates RIP on the fly, you can reconfigure your system without manually redrawing the screens. Searchlight can even incorporate your favorite RIP files automatically.

And Searchlight is the only BBS software that gives you Local RIP Graphics. You can see and use the RIP graphics interface on your computer (or any computer on your LAN).

Other BBS packages make you call your BBS from another computer if you want to see RIP, and they can’t give you a RIP interface at all if you’re using a LAN.

Searchlight's non-proprietary client works with any RIP, ANSI or TTY terminal. RIP graphics clients available for Windows and DOS. Searchlight supports RIPterm 3.0, RIPterm 2.0, and RIPterm 1.54, so you can give your RIPterm 2.0 callers multimedia features without sacrificing support for callers using the older version of RIPterm. No other BBS software offers you this flexibility, Searchlight does it automatically.

Searchlight is fully configurable to build custom menus, edit prompts and strings. No complex script languages and nothing extra to buy.

Searchlight's external doors support the Door.Sys, Dorinfo.Def and PCBoard.Sys dropfiles. It can run any DOS program online and runs Doors on the same PC as your BBS.

Searchlight supports Internet Email and Newsgroups and runs as a Telnet client on Win95 or WinNT.

A hobbyist might want to run external programs ("doors") to let callers play games. A business might need to let callers run custom applications online. Some BBS programs don’t support doors at all, others make you purchase a shell utility (like Doorway).

Searchlight supports the most popular door formats, so you can run programs made for any BBS system. And we’re the only BBS to include built-in support for DOS shells and text-based DOS programs. Just select the "direct video" option and you can run any DOS program online, including programs like FoxPro, dBase, and Paradox or applications created with Clipper or Clarion.

These days, the ability to interface to the global "information superhighway" is essential. TeleGrafix's Uumail option offers seamless support for internet mail addresses, so you can send and receive internet messages as easily as you do local messages. Your callers don’t have to join a special conference or learn a special procedure to send internet mail.

Just add a "send internet mail" button to your menu. Searchlight does the rest!

And if a Web site is in your future, you'll be glad to know that the conferences and file libraries you set up in Searchlight BBS are compatible with Spinnaker, TeleGrafix's next-generation active web server product.

Some companies sell you a stripped down package and charge extra for the features you need most. Every copy of Searchlight BBS includes our menu editor and language customization tools, the most popular file transfer protocols, Fossil and DigiBoard support, a QWK mail host, a built in DOS shell and a full set of Sysop utilities. TeleGrafix even includes a free RIP terminal that you can distribute to your callers.

TeleGrafix offers an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee with no restocking fees. If you add lines, we credit 100% of your purchase price toward the upgrade. Technical support is available 24 hours a day via TeleGrafix's Web site.

  RIPscrip BackGround  

RIPscrip is a graphical presentation language developed by TeleGrafix.
It contains many commands and features for the display of fast, high-quality online graphics. It allows you to mix graphics and text, from a variety of sources, into one integrated presentation medium (i.e., the computer screen).

You can mix vector graphics, bitmapped graphics, photos and text in a variety of fonts and colors on the screen to create just about any style of presentation you could imagine. You can even integrate ANSI text into your presentation so that you can interface with older online applications. With RIPscrip, you get the best of both worlds.

RIPscrip is not a graphical user interface (GUI), per se.
Yes, it contains many of the necessary features to display a GUI, but it is not, in and of itself, a GUI. You can display dialog boxes, menus and other window-like objects that are commonly available in existing GUI's, but you draw them!

RIPscrip's fundamental design and philosophy is geared toward allowing you, the service provider, the ability to display information in any manner that you want. This is simply not possible in most traditional GUI environments.

For example, Microsoft Windows applications typically look very similar, and are quite different than Macintosh applications. Using RIPscrip, you can make your applications look like Windows, Macintosh, X-Windows, OS/2 Warp, or just about anything else you can imagine. The choice is entirely yours!

Currently, RIPscrip graphics is supported in the vast majority of terminal software packages, and bulletin board products.
Here is a list of some of the existing companies with RIPscrip capabilities in their product(s) extracted from the RIPscrip 3.0 - Technical White Paper, dated 12/06/96, by Jeff Reeder:

Terminals Platform BBS Software
RIPterm Pro MS-DOS The MajorBBS/WorldGroup
Qmodem Pro MS-DOS Wildcat!
Qmodem Pro Windows TBBS
SmartCom Windows PC-Board
WinRamp Windows Synchronet
Telix Windows Searchlight BBS
SoftTerm Windows Kitten BBS
WinCom Windows Spitfire BBS
HyperTerm Windows TSX-BBS
ProComm Windows Remote Access
HyperTerm OS/2 Warp PowerBBS
SoftTerm OS/2 Warp Solaris BBS
A.R.G.U.S. Macintosh Renegade BBS
PowerConnect Macintosh NovaLink Pro
RIP-ST Atari-ST TurBoard
UserTerm Amiga Osiris BBS

Since RIPscrip is a general-purpose graphical scripting language, it lends itself to many different applications in the online world.
In fact, there have been many customers who have used RIPscrip graphics for non-online oriented purposes (e.g., document distribution, graphical presentations, etc.).

  Spinnaker Web Server BackGround  

TeleGrafix acquires rights to Searchlight Internet servers:

The Spinnaker Web server is an advanced Web server for Windows 95/98/NT that offers a flexible scripting system, and an ultra-powerful database interface via Windows ODBC.

Built-in Web-BBS features provide File Library and Message Conference facilities directly from the Web pages.

Spinnaker was developed originally by Searchlight Software beginning in 1995. Now it is being maintained and marketed by TeleGrafix.

Although Spinnaker and Searchlight BBS are made by the same company, they are very different products.

Spinnaker is a true Web server:
it is not a client-server BBS system or some other type of BBS hybrid.

In particular, Spinnaker requires an internet connection (it doesn't work with just a modem) and the only type of client that can connect to Spinnaker is a World Wide Web browser like Netscape or Internet Explorer. Spinnaker is not a direct replacement for Searchlight BBS.

The connection between Spinnaker and Searchlight BBS is that they can share the same conference and file library databases. That means it's possible to have a Web site and a BBS that have the same conferences and the same file downloads.


The current specifications for the products that will be combined to form Project Cherokee are provided here.

  ProBoard BBS Specs  

Current FAQ for ProBoard BBS:  

This following is a list of the most important features found in ProBoard taken from the PB v2.16 Operator's manual. The same headings that were used for the Searchlight BBS specifications have also been extended to ProBoard.

RIP Graphics
Full RIP support, and unlike other BBS packages that leave the SysOp looking at cryptic RIP codes, we even display the menus your non-RIP callers see, on your end so you can see what's happening on your BBS.

Full-Screen Editor
Built-in fullscreen message editor.
Ability to specify an external message editor either as door or as a PEX file.

Menu Building
Ability to call menu editor while user is online (or in local mode) and edit the current menu. Great for testing, or in case you see something that just HAS to be fixed while a user is online.

Door System
Compatible with most, if not all, doors written for other BBS software such as RemoteAccess, QuickBBS, PCBoard, etc.
Emulates DOOR.SYS, DORINFO.DEF, EXITINFO.BBS (not listed as important feature).
Ability to specify an external chat program, either as a door or as a PEX file.
Swaps itself to disk or EMS when shelling to an external door program, leaving only two Kb resident!

Modem/Serial Support
Supports all types of modems. All known connect rates are directly supported, and you can specify up to 6 user-defined connect rates.
Direct support for all high speed modems (up to 115,200 bps).
FOSSIL driver support (not listed as important feature).
Flexible protocol configuration. You can install any protocol directly in ProBoard (even bi-directional protocols are supported).
Protocols that can be installed in ProBoard include X/Y/Zmodem, MPT, Bimodem, HS/Link, etc.
TTY, ANSI, Avatar (0 and 0+) terminal emulation.
Local up/downloads

Message System
Support for 4 message base types: Squish, Hudson JAM and *.MSG, all at the same time.
Support for up to 10,000 message areas and 10,000 file areas.
Internal QWK support, provided as a PEX file for seamless integration into your BBS.
REAL-TIME multi-line chat built in. No stupid line-per-line chat.
"SysOp Next" function, with definable "alert" music, as well as semaphore file support.

Users and Security
Full alias (handle) support.
Users (and the SysOp) can send "personal files" to other users. ProBoard automatically deletes the files after they have been downloaded.
Automatic validation of users using a very sophisticated "template" system.
Fully "data driven" system usage graphs, even in RIP mode.
Ability to limit menu selections by age, baud rate, gender of user, time online, or time of day.
Very flexible security system with over 65,000 security levels and 32 security flags as well as "reverse" flags.

Electronic Mail
ProBoard does not have any Internet functions built-in, but through special PEXes, internet mail can be sent/received through ProBoard.

File Transfer System
Support for up to 10,000 file areas.
Integrated, lightning-fast duplicate file checking on uploads.
Hooks for external upload checking programs.
Extremely fast indexed file system, while still using the standard FILES.BBS-based file system.
Built in file tagging system.
Powerful "Free Files" functions, great if you're running a support BBS, or a BBS to promote your company.
User name can optionally be added to FILES.BBS when user uploads files.
Built in file counters, shows which of your files are the most popular.
Full CD-ROM support. The CD-ROM drive is not accessed until a file is actually downloaded. It is only accessed to copy files to a local drive of your choice freeing up the CD-ROM for other requests.

Multi-lingual Support
Full Language support. Every prompt in the system can be changed (including color) and saved in a language file, as well as multi-language support for menus and textfiles. You can even replace any prompt with ANSI files or PEX files.

SysOp Utilities
Extremely user-friendly configuration/maintenance utilities using the supplied PROCFG.EXE file.
Powerful User Editor including filter function, allows you to easily find and work with only the users you specify.
Built in "flag description" editor, helps you remember just what all of those flags you have are for.
Fully definable paging hours for every day of the week.

ProBoard is completely written in highly optimized C++ and assembly language.
Full multi-line/multi-user support. Up to 255 nodes can share the same user database, message base and file database. Each node can have its own modem configuration, welcome screens, menu structure, etc.
Fully buffered I/O for optimum system performance.
A software development kit (SDK) is included with ProBoard! You can write your own extensions to ProBoard using C or C++.
Programs written with the SDK run "inside" ProBoard, for maximum flexibility and speed. The programmer doesn't have to worry about modem communications, user files, etc. THIS IS TOTALLY UNIQUE!! No other BBS software offers anything that even comes close.
Support for OS/2 2.x time-slicing.

  Searchlight BBS Specs  

Current specifications for Searchlight BBS:  

Current FAQ for Searchlight BBS:  

RIP Graphics
RIPscrip v2.0 support.
Local RIP graphics on the BBS computer.
Automatic transfer feature that makes Searchlight faster in RIP mode by downloading frequently used menu files and icons on an as-needed basis.
Built-in RIP GUI features including scroll bars, pop-up menus and dialog boxes.
Full screen message and file browsers with mouse file tagging.
RIP menu designer and style editor.
Copy functions that allow you to easily duplicate existing RIP styles.
Automatic selection of RIP, ANSI or Ascii screens.
Regulate doors and menu choices by RIP availability or RIP version number.
Users can select large or small font for viewing and entering messages.

Full-Screen Editor
Supports most common cursor control keys, function keys and WordStar command sequences.
Uses full ANSI set for fast screen updating.
Mouse support (RIP & local).
Quote individual lines from original message.
Upload text with any internal protocol.

Menu Building
Create and edit menus with mouse-driven menu editing tool.
Copy functions that allow you to easily duplicate existing menus.
Up to 64 commands per menu with no limit to total number of menus in system.
Nest menus up to 40 levels deep.
Over 100 internal command functions can be arranged in any way you choose.
Add door programs to any menu.
Execute up to 64 commands in sequence.
Regulate access to commands and menus by 10 criteria, including RIP version.
Design custom RIP, ANSI or Ascii screens for any menu (or use built-in displays).
A point-and-click method of assigning conferences and file directories to any menu.

Door System
Run any text-based DOS application online without third-party add-on products.
FOSSIL emulation feature that lets you run doors and other programs that require a Fossil driver through Searchlight's built-in communications drivers, Windows serial devices, or DigiBoard ports.
Compatible with most existing Door products.
Built-in DOS shell capability.
Write your own door programs without serial programming.

Modem/Serial Support
Supports any base address and interrupt (IRQ).
16550 buffered UART support.
FOSSIL driver support.
Windows device driver support.
Support for Intelligent DigiBoard multiport cards.
Support for intelligent Equinox multiport cards.
Support for generic BIOS/INT14 drivers.
Supports connect speeds up to 115,200 baud.
Hands-free automatic modem configuration.
Windows version accepts incoming internet (telnet) connections.

Message System
An "instant reply" feature for chat messages that lets you chat without interrupting your work in progress.
No limit to number of conferences or messages per conference "One file per conference" storage architecture offers the best combination of speed, size and reliability.
Fast message searching in headers and/or text.
Indexed personal message scans.
Full thread maintenance including global thread operations (kill, forward, download entire threads).
Message forwarding, carbon copy, text upload & download, auto purge of old messages.
Attach binary files to messages.
Supports message sizes up to 1000 lines.

Users and Security
Unlimited number of user accounts.
Encrypted user passwords for maximum security.
24 independent security flags plus 256 levels.
Over 16 million security combinations.
Regulate access to conferences, file areas, menu choices, doors, menu branches, quoting, netmail features, and more.
Read-only conference areas.
Upload-only and download-only file directories.
Mutually exclusive security groups.
Alias names.
Caller ID logging.

Electronic Mail
True private mailboxes for each user.
Read new mail automatically at log-in.
Recipient name lookup and name completion.
Internet address support.
Multizone (4D) Netmail support.
Carbon copy, alias and group names.
Automatic mail logging feature.

File Transfer System
Unlimited number of directories and files.
All directories indexed by name and date.
Files from multiple DOS directories may be combined into a single Searchlight directory.
Individual file passwords.
Copy, delete, rename and move files.
View internal directories of ZIP, LZH, ARJ and SQZ files.
File descriptions up to 400 lines.
Dynamic download counts in directory listings.
Tag files with mouse clicks or single-keystrokes.
Built in Zmodem, Xmodem/CRC & Xmodem/1K.
Up to 15 external protocols supported including HSLink.
Auto-processing of uploads supported.
Partial filename completion.
Improved CD-ROM handling procedure that optimizes file transfers from CD-ROM discs and other low speed media, especially on multiuser systems.
Local upload and download for LAN use.
Supports automatic FILE_ID.DIZ importing.

Multi-lingual Support
Offer up to 64 languages online.
Language files can redefine some or all text prompts and menus.
Callers' language choices saved as default for future logins.
Create your own language files with included tools.

SysOp Utilities
All sysop functions are available from a remote location.
Most sysop functions can be run with callers online.
Purge old users & messages by date, access level, content, and other criteria.
Rename users (changes name in messages, too).
Global adjustments to user access levels & attributes.
Rebuild indexes & repair damaged files.

Multizone Fidonet (echomail & netmail) support.
QWK offline mail module included free.
Internet mail support.
Compatible with all front-end mailers & mail tossers.
Free high-level software development kit for rapid development of new applications.

  RIPscrip Specs  

Current specifications for RIPscrip:  

Current Technical White Paper for RIPscrip v3.0:  

RIPscrip 3.0 definition has not been released yet by TeleGrafix.
The prior version of RIPscrip will be discussed.

RIPscrip 2.0 is a robust technology.
It has features and options for nearly every aspect of creating graphical systems. Here is just a short list of its major capabilities:

Full set of graphical drawing primitives (e.g., line, oval, rectangle, Freeform curves, text objects and more).
Complete control over the appearance of filled-in objects (patterns, multiple colors, etc).
Complete control over object border attributes like thickness and dash patterns. Multiple column text displays for news articles and more.

Utilize Adobe(tm) and TrueType(tm) style fonts for nearly any appearance you could imagine.
Complete flexibility over the appearance of fonts (italics, bold, rotation, shadowing, spacing and more).
Display JPEG anywhere on the screen, in any size. Even display them while they're downloading.

Play digitized audio files while you're online, even in the background!
Full bitmap BMP capabilities. Show bitmapped images anywhere on the screen, including as buttons.
Full set of button and mouse field objects for making radio buttons, checkboxes, and other clickable objects.

Reliable client/server architecture allows for remote resource updating.
Images, scenes and other data files can be accessed locally, or from the remote server. Use them locally for ultra-fast performance.
In-depth text variable command language allows you to perform countless operations online, or whenever a button is selected by the user.

Advanced Template command language for complete control over host/server commands.
Built-in data tables for graphical styles, color palettes, button definitions, environments and more allow you to "cache" large amounts of graphics data locally for advanced client/server applications.

Complete backup system designed for preserving the current "state" of the RIPscrip environment. Great for use when creating dialog boxes, or executing door programs.
Fully resolution independent. A screen you draw at 640x480 will look just like what you intended to a caller using 1024x768 resolution!
Fully color palette independent. New 24-bit architecture allows you to display artwork on systems with any number of existing colors.
Multiple text windows allow you to create data-entry forms, and other things!

Full VT-102 and ANSI terminal emulation built-in!
Creation of entire Graphical User Interfaces by combining other RIPscrip features.

  Spinnaker Web Server Specs  

Current specifications for Spinnaker Web Server:  

Current FAQ for Spinnaker Web Server:  

Active Web server for Windows.
Built-in script language.
Native access to local/SQL databases.
User profiles and security groups.
Message conferences and file libraries.
Built-in database applications.
Create applications in script or C++.
Write script and HTML in same file.
Stand-alone server for Win95/98, WinNT.
Does not require NT Server.
Does not require browser plug-ins.


Consider these concerns/comments/suggestions for improvement of the Cherokee product.

Continue the excellence in Cherokee by providing the support and development for the product.


I would like to thank Pat Clawson and TeleGrafix crew for their willingness to hear these positive concerns/comments/suggestions and the dedicated contributors who have participated in this effort!